After installing php-4.3.9-3.6.src.rpm on RHEL4 I modified the php.spec file to
add --with-sybase-ct=/opt/sybase/OCS-12_5

Everything appeared to compile fine but after update installing the
rpms I get the error
'Warning: sybase_connect(): Sybase:Unable to allocate connection
when attempting to run code.

I have done this before on RHEL3 and did not run into this problem.

The server is running fine and I can use isql from this server and
connect to SYBASESR

%configure \
        --cache-file=../config.cache \
        --with-config-file-path=%{_sysconfdir} \
        --with-config-file-scan-dir=%{_sysconfdir}/php.d \
        --enable-force-cgi-redirect \
        --disable-debug \
        --enable-pic \
        --disable-rpath \
        --enable-inline-optimization \
        --with-bz2 \
        --with-db4=%{_prefix} \
        --with-curl \
        --with-exec-dir=%{_bindir} \
        --with-freetype-dir=%{_prefix} \
        --with-png-dir=%{_prefix} \
        --with-gd=shared \
        --enable-gd-native-ttf \
        --without-gdbm \
        --with-gettext \
        --with-ncurses=shared \
        --with-gmp \
        --with-iconv \
         --with-jpeg-dir=%{_prefix} \
        --with-openssl \
        --with-png \
        --with-pspell \
        --with-xml \
        --with-expat-dir=%{_prefix} \
        --with-dom=shared,%{_prefix} \
        --with-dom-xslt=%{_prefix} --with-dom-exslt=%{_prefix} \
        --with-xmlrpc=shared \
        --with-pcre-regex=%{_prefix} \
        --with-zlib \
        --with-layout=GNU \
        --enable-bcmath \
        --enable-exif \
        --enable-ftp \
        --enable-magic-quotes \
        --enable-sockets \
        --enable-sysvsem \
        --enable-sysvshm \
        --enable-track-vars \
        --enable-trans-sid \
        --enable-yp \
        --enable-wddx \

--with-pear=/usr/share/pear \
        --with-imap=shared --with-imap-ssl \
        --with-kerberos \
        --with-ldap=shared \
        --with-mysql=shared,%{_prefix} \
        %{?_with_oci8:--with-oci8-instant-client=shared} \
        %{?_with_mssql:--with-mssql=shared} \
        %{?_with_mhash:--with-mhash=shared} \
        --with-pgsql=shared \
        --with-snmp=shared,%{_prefix} \
        --with-snmp=shared \
        --enable-ucd-snmp-hack \
        --with-unixODBC=shared,%{_prefix} \
        --with-sybase-ct=/opt/sybase/OCS-12_5 \
        --enable-memory-limit \
        --enable-shmop \
        --enable-calendar \
        --enable-dbx \
        --enable-dio \
        --enable-mbstring=shared --enable-mbstr-enc-trans \
        --enable-mbregex \
        --with-mime-magic=%{_datadir}/file/magic.mime \
        $* || tail -300 config.log

        $con =sybase_connect($server,$user, $pass);

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