Am 2005-06-24 13:56:31, schrieb JeRRy:
> Hi,

> ut for now you can try/read these to help at your end:

Hey, the internet is only Working with

        InfernalExploder 4.01 to 6
        Nutscrape 4.08 to 7.1

So I am Ghostsurfer with Mozilla, and eLinks...

> Ignore the names on the sites in refrence as the majority ISP's are the same 
> thse days.  But you can try what they say.
> I found this to work:
> - Clearing my cache/history


> - Running a spyware program

What do you mean with it ?

> - Running a registry cleanup program

Where can I find such thing ?

> - running scandisk

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ > scandisk
Command not found.

> - rebooting my pc

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ > uptime
 11:02:05 up 176 days, 17:38,  2 users,  load average: 1.83, 1.56, 1.27

are you happy ?
> Seems to fix problems under a temp. basis.  If anyone else can bring
> light on this feel free to do so.
> Jerry

Have a nice Day

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
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