Thanks Balazs and David.. I think that's exactly what I was looking for.  I 
searched for hours (and I consider myself a fairly decent researcher) and was 
just getting frustrated..hah..   I think my problem was I was searching for 
"money" and "float problems" and such and not "monetary".  I think that's the 
keyword that would have done it for me.

I appreciate the help guys!  Best of luck to both of you (and anyone else I 
inadvertantly missed who may have responded).


= = = Original message = = =

Me again,

Sorry for the rtfm stuff, I googled around and found this:

and another thing, maybe worth a try; MySQL stores decimal numbers as
strings...did you try to input decimals as string? I mean not:

UPDATE SomeTable SET AmtOwed = 10.74


UPDATE SomeTable SET AmtOwed = '10.74'



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