On 24 March 2006 16:40, Alex Major wrote:

> Thanks, works like a charm (had to make is -2 instead of -1
> as it added a
> space after each result). Hadn't thought of something so simple.
> On 24/3/06 16:22, "Bastien Koert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Build it up as a string and remove the trailing comma at the end of
> > the loop 
> > 
> > do { $sHTML .= ''.$administrators['username'].', ';}
> > while ($administrators = mysql_fetch_assoc($administrators_result))
> > 
> > $sHTML = substr($sHTML, 0, strlen($sHTML)-1);

You don't need a strlen() call here, as substr understands "count from the 
right" notation:

   $sHTML = substr($sHTML, 0, -1);

... or, with Alex's correction:

   $sHTML = substr($sHTML, 0, -2);



Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
Learning Support Services, Learning & Information Services,
JG125, James Graham Building, Leeds Metropolitan University,
Headingley Campus, LEEDS,  LS6 3QS,  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 113 283 2600 extn 4730      Fax:  +44 113 283 3211 

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