A simple associate array would work as well, although not quite as elegent.
$months_arr = array("January"=>01, "February"=>02...);

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Bomgardner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 12:35 PM
To: Php-Db
Subject: [PHP-DB] Date Conversion

PHP 4.4/MySQL 4.0

I am tying to convert a date to put into a database from a string (ie: 
January, February) to a numeric value (ie: 01,02).  I am taking the 
value from a form, which is a drop down menu listing the months.

$sMonth1 = $_POST['Smonth']; returns the money selected from the form.
When I go to format the month from a string to numeric with 
it returns 12, no matter which month I select.

In reading the docs at php.net, date('m',strtotime($sMonth1)); is 
correct to reformat from a string to a time format.

What am I missing.

mark bomgardner

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