
I have this page:

<frameset cols="*,200px"> <frameset id="frameset1" rows="10%,30%,10%,*">
   <frame src="/page1.phtml" name="name1" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" />
   <frame src="/page2.phtml" name="name2" frameborder="0" />
   <frame src="/page3.phtml" name="name3" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" />
   <frame src="/page4.phtml" name="name4" frameborder="0" />
<frame src="/page5.phtml" name="name5" frameborder="0" /> </frameset> </html>

And this is the content of the page page1.phtml:

<span onclick="alert(window.parent.frames[1].name);">change size of frame 2</span>

How can I change (using js) the rows of the frameset to:
<frameset rows="10%,10%,10%,*">


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