Hi Chris,

Yes, I was using htmlentities, I have now removed that and now 

'De l'Âge du fer au haut Moyen Âge.'

gets inserted into oracle as
'De l'Bge du fer au haut Moyen Bge.'  

Any ideas?

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 22 November 2006 21:17
To: David Skyers
Cc: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Special Character

David Skyers wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> Thanks for this, it got rid of my special characters. However I now have a 
> problem with foreign characters.
> Example
> 'De l'Âge du fer au haut Moyen Âge.' 
> gets inserted into oracle as
> De l'Âge du fer au haut Moyen Âge.
> I have an oracle procedure that inserts the data, if I run the oracle 
> procedure directly in oracle it inserts the special characters okay. The 
> problem seems to be with the way php execute the procedure.

Are you calling htmlentities or htmlspecialchars before calling the procedure? 
That looks like what's happening.

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