
I am trying to find out how to search a many-to-many map table efficiently.

I have an example table:


I want to find out all the users who are a member of BOTH groups 1 AND 2. In 
this example, this would just be the user with id 1.

Until now, I can either do this with multiple queries and using PHP 
array_intersect, or one really ugly MySQL query:

select user, count(user_group) as num_groups_found from users_groups where 
group IN (1,2) GROUP BY user HAVING num_groups_found=2

i.e. narrows down the groups I'm looking for and makes sure that they are 
all found for a user

It works quite reliably I think but it's such a rubbish query that I was 
hoping that somebody could teach me some syntax that is better.

Many thanks in advance,

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