On 13/05/07 17:12, Jeffrey scribbled:
We have a moderately complex PHP web app collecting data from a MySQL database. We've been offered a rather attractive proposition to build an Ingres version (ie. same app, but collects data from an Ingres database).

Questions for experts like you:

1) Is this a reasonably straightforward migration in which we can largely replace mysql_query with ingres_query, etc, or will it be more complex than that?
There are different functions provided by both the Ingres and MySQL interfaces. That and the parameter order of equivalent functions do not always match.

2) Does Ingres compare reasonably well with MySQL in terms of scalability and speed?
Yes and then some - don't just take my word for it since I work for Ingres. If you wish to get the opinion of Ingres users go to comp.databases.ingres (http://groups.google.com/group/comp.databases.ingres/topics) or Ingres's own forums (http://community.ingres.com/)

3) Any dangers I should be aware of?
none that I am aware of.
I am trying to decide whether or not to go forward with this project. Your advice is much appreciated!
Feel free to contact me directly if you have any further questions


Ingres PECL maintainer

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