Hi ben,
You are creating the same table each time you run the code which would throw an 
error the second time you run the code since the table is already there.
You have two choices here:
1. remove the table creation script and the call to create it since the table 
only needs to be created once.
2. handle the errors that can happen on running a query. ex.
$mysql_query_one = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `comments`") or 
bastien> Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2008 02:57:00 +0000> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
php-db@lists.php.net> Subject: [PHP-DB] PHP Beginners Help> > Hello, my name is 
Ben Stones. I am quite a beginner to PHP, and as a new> years resolution I am 
going to learn PHP (finally!)> > Cut to the chase I have created a basic 
looping script that would display> anything submitted in a form, on seperate 
lines; here is the PHP code:> > $con = 
mysql_connect("localhost","ben_test","------removed-----") or> die("con");> $db 
= mysql_select_db("ben_test") or die("db");> mysql_query("CREATE TABLE 
`comments` (messages varchar(255))");> $comments = $_POST['comment'];> $sql1 = 
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `comments` (`messages`) VALUES> ($comments)");> 
$mysql_query_one = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `comments`");> 
while($rows=mysql_fetch_array($mysql_query_one)) {> echo $rows['messages'] . 
"[br /]";> }> > Everything went swell for the first half, and after I truncated 
the test> messages (or everything in the column, if you like), I tried doing 
one more> test run and upon clicking 'Submit', nothing would display except 
the> messages I added via phpMyAdmin.> > Hope someone could help me.> > PS: The 
password has been edited out of the preceding code as well as the> HTML code 
purposely for the mailing list.
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