I am running several web sites on one server, each of which connects to a different Postgresql database. I use some include files to load functions and classes. If I put pg_connect at the start of the include file, then sometimes I do not connect to the correct database from functions in a class. If I run echo pg_dbname(); in these functions I see that I am connected to the wrong database. Here are some possible fixes:

$swdbcon = pg_connect("host=localhost dbname=swgap user=postgres"); //at start of file
global $swdbcon; // inside function
$result = pg_query($swdbcon, $query);

if (pg_dbname() != "swgap") { //inside function
          pg_connect("host=localhost dbname=swgap user=postgres");

pg_connect("host=localhost dbname=swgap user=postgres"); inside function

I have already written code that does not explicitly set the connection in each function and it worked fine. However, I find the problem occasionally as I change the code. What is the best way to get the proper connection inside functions?


James (Jim) B. White

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