On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 2:18 PM, VanBuskirk, Patricia
> Someone from this list (sorry I cannot remember the name), a while back, gave 
> me the following function to use to get rid of unwanted characters coming in 
> on forms:
>  function convert_smart_quotes($string)
>  {
>      $search = array(chr(145),
>                          chr(146),
>                                          chr(147),
>                                          chr(148),
>                                          chr(151),
>                                          "#",
>                                          ";",
>                                          "[",
>                                          "]",
>                                          "{", // Note the missing "}" closing 
> curly bracket here
>                                          "<",
>                                          ">",
>                                          "=",
>                                          "URL=http://";);

    Above, there are only 14 search terms, but below, there are 15
replace terms.  Below the line I commented, add:

>       $replace = array("'",
>                            "'",
>                                            '"',
>                                            '"',
>                                            "-",
>                                            "number",
>                                            ",",
>                                            "",
>                                            "",
>                                            "",
>                                            "",
>                                            "",
>                                            "",
>                                            "equals",
>                                            "");
>       return str_replace($search, $replace, $string); }

>  2. "New " VM Tree Greeting 1- Need NEW DN for this!!!  (Please coordinate 
> with Suzanne for recordings).

    See the parentheses above?  I'll bet dollars to donuts that's your
killswitch.  See my updated arrays at the end of this email.

>  Also, we are getting back for example "I\'m hoping..."  Somehow the slashes 
> are coming through in the field and in the emails.  I am not even sure what 
> is putting them in, as I don't see that in the replace function.

    There's either an addslashes() function somewhere or a missing

    Prior to inserting the data into the database, you should sanitize
it using mysql_real_escape_string().  So, for example, if your SQL
query looks like this:

$body = convert_smart_quotes($string);
$sql = "INSERT INTO email(body) VALUES($body)";

    It should be changed to:

$body = mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes(convert_smart_quotes($string)));
$sql = "INSERT INTO email(body) VALUES($body)";

    And if that's not fixing the error for emails being sent, then
find where the mail() function resides and replace the message body
variable with something similar to:

$message = stripslashes($message);

    Finally, the new arrays (rewritten function) I promised.

function convert_smart_quotes($string) {
    $search = array(chr(145),
     $replace = array("'",
     return str_replace($search,$replace,$string);


Daniel P. Brown
Senior Unix Geek
<? while(1) { $me = $mind--; sleep(86400); } ?>

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