Evert Lammerts wrote:
>> This is my code.  The only error is at line 15 as I stated above.
>> 1 <?PHP
>> 2 DEFINE ("host","localhost");
>> 3 DEFINE ("user","root");
>> 4 DEFINE ("password","password");
>> 5 DEFINE ("database","questions");
>> 6
>> 7 $connection=mysql_connect(host,user,password) or die ('Could not
>> connect' .mysql_error() );
>> 8
>> 9 $dbConnect=mysql_select_db('questions',$connection);
>> 10 if (!$dbConnect) {die ('Could not connect to database' .
>> mysql_error() );}
>> 11
>> 12 $query ="Select answer from answers where studentID ='A123456789'";
>> 13 $result = mysql_query($query,$connection);
>> 14 $count=0;
>> 15 while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result));
remove the semi-colon at the end of line 15
>> 16 {
>> 17 $count++;
>> 18 }
>> 19 echo $count;
>> 20 ?>
> Turn line 13 into
> $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
> , so leave out the connection parameter and append the die() function,
> and see what error that produces.

Jason Gerfen

"I practice my religion
 while stepping on your
~The Ditty Bops

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