
OK, I downgraded to the 5.2.5 extension and now it loads.  Thanks for your

--David Z.

-----Original Message-----
From: Zimmerli, David 
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 3:15 PM
To: 'Eric Lee'; ''
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Can't get PHP PGSQL module to load

Hmmm, this might be the problem...

--David Z.

-----Original Message-----
From: Zimmerli, David 
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 2:59 PM
To: 'Eric Lee';
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Can't get PHP PGSQL module to load


> extension_dir = "c:\Program Files\PHP\ext\"
> add c:\Program Files\PHP and c:\Program Files\PHP\ext to system variables.

Tried those things, still no luck.

> Did other extensions loaded pass ?

The "built-in" extensions seem to load fine.  I haven't tried any other
(non-built-in) extensions.

The code snippet



Array ( [0] => bcmath [1] => calendar [2] => com_dotnet [3] => ctype [4] =>
session [5] => filter [6] => ftp [7] => hash [8] => iconv [9] => json [10]
=> odbc [11] => pcre [12] => Reflection [13] => date [14] => libxml [15] =>
standard [16] => tokenizer [17] => zlib [18] => SimpleXML [19] => dom [20]
=> SPL [21] => wddx [22] => xml [23] => xmlreader [24] => xmlwriter [25] =>
apache2handler )

-- David Z.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 1:22 PM
To: Zimmerli, David;
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Can't get PHP PGSQL module to load

extension_dir = "c:\Program Files\PHP\ext\"

add c:\Program Files\PHP and c:\Program Files\PHP\ext
to system variables.

Did other extensions loaded pass ?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Zimmerli, David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 12:54 AM
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Can't get PHP PGSQL module to load

: Eric,
: Thanks for the reply.
: > Did you have an PHPIniDir in httpd.conf ?
: > It should point to a dir that specific the php.ini location as
: > PHPIniDir "e:/winnt"
: Yes, my httpd.conf includes these lines, added by the PHP installer:
: PHPIniDir "C:/Program Files/PHP/"
: LoadModule php5_module "C:/Program Files/PHP/php5apache2_2.dll"
: Again, phpinfo() reports the loaded php.ini to be C:\Program
: Files\PHP\php.ini, as expected.  The problem is that PHP can't seem to
: the php_pgsql.dll module.
: > and the extension_dir should be best specific with full path such as 
: > extension_dir = "e:\webroot\php5\ext\"
: I tried that too.  It still doesn't load.
: -- David Z.
: -----Original Message-----
: From: Eric [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
: Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 11:37 AM
: To: Zimmerli, David;
: Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Can't get PHP PGSQL module to load
: ----- Original Message ----- 
: From: "Zimmerli, David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: To: <>
: Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 10:56 PM
: Subject: [PHP-DB] Can't get PHP PGSQL module to load
: : 
: : 
: : Hello all,
: : 
: :  
: : 
: : I am trying to use PostGreSQL with PHP (using Apache on Windows), but
: can't
: : get the php_pgsql.dll module to load.  
: : 
: :  
: : 
: : phpinfo() reports that the loaded configuration file is C:\Program
: : Files\PHP\php.ini.  (It also reports that the "Configuration File
: (php.ini)
: : Path"  is "C:\WINDOWS" - I tried copying php.ini to that directory, but
: : still no luck).  In php.ini, I have the lines
: : 
: :  
: : 
: : ------------------------------ Begin php.ini excerpt
: : --------------------------------------
: : 
: :  
: : 
: : extension_dir = ".\extensions"
: : 
: : ; I've also tried ".\ext" here, and am not actually sure what the "." is
: : relative to
: : 
: :  
: : 
: : extension=php_pgsql.dll
: : 
: : ; I've copied php_pgsql.dll to C:\Program Files\PHP\ext and C:\Apache
: : Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\mediawiki\extensions
: : 
: :  
: : 
: : ------------------------------ End php.ini excerpt
: : --------------------------------------
: : 
: :  
: : 
: : I have tried various things in php.ini, and stopped and restarted Apache
: : each time.  But each time phpinfo() and get_loaded_extensions() report
: that
: : the module is not loaded.
: : 
: :  
: : 
: : I have also tried loading via dl():
: : 
: :  
: : 
: : if (!dl("php_pgsql.dll")) print "load failed";
: : 
: : else print "load succeeded";
: : 
: :  
: : 
: : but this reports that the load failed as well.  (I have enable_dl = On
: : php.ini.)
: : 
: :  
: : 
: : My set up is as follows:
: : 
: :  
: : 
: : WinXP Professional
: : 
: : Apache 2.2.4
: : 
: : PHP 5.2.6
: : 
: : PostGreSQL 8.3
: : 
: :  
: : 
: : I am installing everything from pre-built binaries.
: : 
: :  
: : 
: : Any help would be much appreciated.
: : 
: :  
: : 
: : Regards,
: : 
: : David Z.
: : 
: :  
: : 
: : 
: PHP on windows does't support dl function except CGI and CLI.
: Did you have an PHPIniDir in httpd.conf ?
: It should point to a dir that specific the php.ini location as
: PHPIniDir "e:/winnt"
: and the extension_dir should be best specific with full path such as 
: extension_dir = "e:\webroot\php5\ext\"
: Also, please be sure you have followed all the steps from php manual's
: installation chapter.
: That have a new method for refering the php library.
: Eric,
: ----------------------------------------------------
: eric{at}myprojects{dot}srhost{dot}info
: -- 
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