On Tuesday 24 June 2008 22:45:20 Ken Keefe wrote:
> I'm a little surprised no one else has commented on this, but for a
> website that complicated, 10k is way too low. I've done work on
> websites that do almost all of those things separately, but not
> combined and I can tell you to have a high quality website that does
> just one of the things you mention will cost you about 10k. This is
> very much a guess because something like Blogging can be done very
> simply (cheaply). But it will not have even close to the feature set
> of the major blogging sites.
> In fact, I just wrapped up a project that was a simple business
> directory last month for 5k. Again, that site was *simple* and no
> where near as flexible as the code you see from yahoo or google. There
> is a reason those companies pay hundreds of developers 80k a year...
> Sorry to rain on your parade. Hopefully you just left out a 0 or two...
> Ken

Because, no resonable company or investor send a message someting like that.

Poster haven't any clue his requirements. This kind of web site requires 
enormus amount of management (other than code). And that 10K even does not 
pay design document.

We classfiy this kind of messages: Cheap Sausage Machine request.

They think that web site (for example yahoo.com) some kind of Sausage Machine 
like put meat this side get saussage other side.


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