If it changes the value of $_SESSION['rights'], then how come
if ($_SESSION['rights'] != "super")
on line 14 doesn't exit()? Or does that happen when you hit refresh
the second time? Or does the user it changes to also have 'super'

Why use extract()? Try commenting it out... apart from it being
overhead in this case, it seems like a bad idea importing variable
names into the symbol table for the global scope. It works since
you're skipping the $type parameter and so EXTR_OVERWRITE is used, but
this also doesn't seem anything to trust.

Debugging PHP with XDebug usually helps me in cases like this. If you
can, install it to your test server and do a trace.

On Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 7:34 PM, Darron Butler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have built an application where users have to log in (the user data is
> stored in MySQL). I have 3 levels of rights for users; 1-"normal" rights,
> 2-"admin" rights, and 3-"super" user rights. When a user logs in, I set the
> $_SESSION['rights'] variable accordingly so I can reference it thru out the
> site. I have around a dozen pages where the login session information and
> the user rights piece work just fine. However, I'm creating an
> administration page where admins have some functionality but super users
> have all functionality and I've run into issues. I was using the session
> rights variable in a number of different IF statements to display and during
> a simple test I hit the "refresh" button on my browser and found that when I
> did so it CHANGED my session rights to those of a different user!?!? I have
> looked thru my code until I'm blue in the face and have even boiled the code
> down to the simpest display possible, yet when I hit refresh, it still
> changes the user and rights info (note all the other pages work fine).
> I have been able to determine that there must be something in my USERS query
> that is causing the issue. I changed the query to get data from a completely
> different table and show it in a select list and hitting refresh does NOT
> change the user or the user rights! So.....does this mean querying the very
> table that lists users information (with data like "rights" and "user" in
> it) somehow can change the $_SESSION variables?? That appears to be what's
> going on, but I thought you had to explicitly assign the $_SESSION variables
> before they could be changed. Help!!! I have included my code and the
> database table structure below:
> <?php
> /*******************************************************************************
>    Program is only available to admins and super users. This page
>    allows for the adding/editing of user accounts and priveledges
>    as well as allowing for application messages, application
>    lockdown/shutdown, and standard parts administration.
> ********************************************************************************/
> include ("php_header.inc");
> if ($_SESSION['rights'] != "super")
>    {
>    header("location: landing.php");
>    exit ();
>    }
> /******************  ADMINISTER USERS *********************/
> $query1 = "select * from USERS order by user";
> $result1 = mysql_query($query1) or die ("Couldn't select all users -
> super");
> include ("html_header.inc");
> echo "
>    <p>{$_SESSION['user']}, {$_SESSION['rights']}</p>\n
>    <p><form action='edit_user.php' method='post'>Choose a user to edit:
> <select name='user'>\n";
> while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result1, MYSQL_ASSOC))
>    {
>    extract($row);
>    echo "
>    <option value='$user'>$fname $lname - $user\n";
>    }
> echo "
>    </select> <input type='submit' value='Edit User'></form></p>\n
>    </body>\n
>    </html>";
> ?>
> and here is the included file:
> <?php
> /************************************************************************
> This is the standard header for every page and should be
> included after the PHP opening tag on each page. This program
> ensures that all pages can only be accessed by users that are
> legitimately logged on. This program also allows for
> administratively disabling the application by super users. After
> disabling, only superusers can make changes.
> ************************************************************************/
> session_start();
> include ("special_characters.inc");
> /****************** AUTHORIZATION CHECK *********************/
> if ($_SESSION['auth'] != "yes")
> {
> header ("location: index.php");
> exit();
> }
> if ($_SESSION['rights'] != "super")
> {
> $query = "select * from APP_STATUS";
> $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Couldn't select APP_STATUS");
> $app = mysql_fetch_array ($result,MYSQL_ASSOC);
> if ($app['app_status'] == 2)
> {
> $msg = $app['app_message'];
> die("$msg");
> }
> }
> ?>
> my database table for the users looks like this:
> Field Type
> user varchar(20) PRIMARY KEY
> pwd varchar(255)
> fname varchar(20)
> lname varchar(20)
> email varchar(40)
> rights varchar(20)
> level varchar(20)
> credentials text
> admin varchar(20)

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