
   I am trying to accomplish a task of which I have to copy the data from one 
table to another. The problem is that whenever I tried to perform the action of 
copying the data through this method, although the data gets copied, it 
performs reiterative copying that causes my program and my server to crash. 

  Here is the code snippet:

  #Empty Temporary Array
  $tmpHolder = array();
  $tmpHolder2 = array();
  #Loop through parts list
  foreach ($stringChunk1 As $part) {
    #Create a single statement and stuff it in your tmp array
    $tmpHolder[]="incidence.name LIKE '%{$part}'";  
  foreach ($stringChunk2 As $part2) {
    #Create a single statement and stuff it in your tmp array
    $tmpHolder2[]="regions.name LIKE '%{$part2}'";  

  #Join all the parts together, placing an OR between each element
  $string3= join(' OR ', $tmpHolder);
  $string2= join(' OR ', $tmpHolder2);
  $total=$count_chunk1 * $count_chunk2;

 //Entry a New Query Entry into scenarios table
   $query3="INSERT INTO scenarios VALUES('$scenario_name')";
   $result3=mssql_query($query3) or die ("The query has failed");
   #Search for the Regions and Incidence ID  
   $query_both="SELECT incidence.ID,regions.ID from incidence,regions WHERE 
($string3)AND ($string2)"; 
   $result_both=mssql_query($query_both) or die ("The query has failed");  

  while($row_both = mssql_fetch_array($result_both)) {

   $incidence_id= $row_both[0];
   $region_id= $row_both[1];

 //Enter entry into scenario elements table
//  $query14="INSERT INTO 
FROM scenario_elements_2,regions,incidence WHERE $string2 AND $string3";
//  $result14=mssql_query($query14) or die ("The query has failed");

I have to comment out the code snippet above because it creates something like 
30000 entries to the database. Could anyone please tell me if this is the error 
I have from my PHP, or is it from my SQL statement? How would I go about fixing 
this issue? 

Thanks in advance. 


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