On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 1:45 PM, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It's bad if you ever want to use something other than mysqli!  Imagine
>> your company switching to another database server.  You'd have to
>> rewrite code in hundreds of functions!
> You're going to have a lot more problems with changing db servers than just
> search/replac'ing mysqli calls. Eg - 'LIMIT' - the format is different for
> postgres, mssql doesn't have it nor does oracle.

In case it was unclear, that's precisely my point.  Abstraction would
make it much easier to change databases later if need be because all
the SQL could be contained in a class with a simple interface exposed
to the rest of the application.  Switching databases would only
involve making changes to that class then, which is much easier than
trying to update many functions in many different places.  In the
current scheme Mr. Hill describes, each function is tightly coupled to
the database because they all feed SQL to the mysqli class directly.
He asked what's wrong with the scheme, and I think it's fair to say
that's the problem.

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