SELECT adminID FROM admin WHERE username=" $username "

$adminid = mysql_fetch_row ...

SELECT * FROM workorders WHERE adminid = $adminid

Terion Miller napsal(a):
Yes I've already done that and checked the db etc and I've turned my brain ON hours ago, I came to the list because I'm stumped and have tried all manners of different ways to tell mySql

if admin ID = session user then get workorders where orderID = admin ID


On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 1:28 PM, Martin Zvarík < <>> wrote:

    Are you sure you have MORE than ONE [order + admin that belongs
    together] in those tables?

    Now, turn on your brain and don't wait for my instructions, you
    already know what to do... test test test

    Terion Miller napsal(a):
    When I removed the WHERE admin.user... part it did return
    something, granted it returned one adminID and one order (which
    did belong together) but the adminID was not mine so I don't know
    how it picked that one randomly there a way to do what I
    need using two queries one to find out the users ID then another
    to pull the workorders with that id? Can't believe this is
    proving so hard..
    Thanks for helping!

    On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 12:55 PM, Martin Zvarík
    < <>> wrote:

        What I wrote with HAVING doesn't do any difference - replace
        back to WHERE.

        Your query is OK.

        Try: echo mysql_error();

        And try to remove the condition "WHERE admin.user..." if that
        outputs anything.


        Terion Miller napsal(a):

            Thanks Martin, oddly enough that still doesn't pull any
            results, it won't

            even print the variables if I try to list them to see, I
            know my db
            connection is good checked that, and can do really simple
            queries, would
            something be preventing a JOIN from working?
            When I Reveal my variables this query snippet:
               $sql = "SELECT admin.AdminID, workorders.WorkOrderID
            FROM admin
            INNER JOIN workorders ON admin.AdminID=workorders.AdminID
            HAVING admin.username='".$_SESSION['user']."' ";

                 $result2 = mysql_query ($sql);
                 $row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc ($result2);
                 $Total = ceil(mysql_num_rows($result2)/$PerPage);

            Returns this:
            $sql"SELECT admin.AdminID, workorders.WorkOrderID FROM
            admin INNER JOIN
            workorders ON admin.AdminID=workorders.AdminID HAVING
            admin.username='tmiller' "$result2""$row2""


            On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 11:56 AM, Martin Zvarík
            < <>> wrote:

                This will work:

                $sql = "
                SELECT admin.AdminID, workorders.WHAT_YOU_WANT
                FROM admin
                INNER JOIN workorders ON admin.AdminID=workorders.AdminID
                HAVING admin.username='".$_SESSION['user']."'

                Terion Miller napsal(a):

                 Hi Everyone! I am having problems getting an INNER
                JOIN to work and need

                    some tips trouble shooting where the problem may be.

                    What I'm trying to do is match up AdminID's from
                    two tables and display
                    that users orders, sounds simple enough
                    right...but I can't get it to
                    the AdminID...

                    My Query:

                     $sql =
                       "SELECT admin.AdminID , workorders.AdminID
                           FROM admin
                               INNER JOIN
                           workorders ON
WHERE admin.UserName = '".$_SESSION['user']."' ";

                        $result = mysql_query ($sql);
                        $row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($result);
                        $Total = ceil(mysql_num_rows($result)/$PerPage);

                    Thanks for any tips on how else I can accomplish

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