On Mon, 3 Aug 2009 11:52:11 +0200, Nisse Engström wrote:

> You could use the date as an index:
>   ... SELECT DATE(`datetimecolumn`) AS `date` ...
>   while ($TrackingRow = mysql_fetch_object (...)) {
>     $data[$TrackingRow['date']] = $TrackingRow;
>     /* Store the last row from each set of dates */
>   }
> or
>   while ($TrackingRow = mysql_fetch_object (...)) {
>     if (!isset ($data[$TrackingRow['date']])) {
>       $data[$TrackingRow['date']] = $TrackingRow;
>     }
>     /* Store the first row from each set of dates */
>   }

And, of course, if you want all rows to be indexed by date:

  while ($TrackingRow = mysql_fetch_object (...)) {
    $data[$TrackingRow['date']][] = $TrackingRow;


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