Me/this again.

this works good:

$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS `CountUniqueDatesInMyTbl`, date(solarLandingDateTime) AS `uniqueDate`, 't7solar_landing' AS `tableAlias` FROM t7solar_landing GROUP BY uniqueDate ORDER BY uniqueDate DESC LIMIT 62 UNION ALL SELECT count(*) AS `CountUniqueDatesInMyTbl`, date(solarAweberConfDateTime) AS `uniqueDate`, 'aweber_7solar_confirm' AS `tableAlias` FROM aweber_7solar_confirm GROUP BY uniqueDate ORDER BY uniqueDate DESC LIMIT 62 UNION ALL SELECT count(*) AS `CountUniqueDatesInMyTbl`, date(solarAWDateTime) AS `uniqueDate`, 'aweber_7solar_aw' AS `tableAlias` FROM aweber_7solar_aw GROUP BY uniqueDate ORDER BY uniqueDate DESC LIMIT 62";

except that I just added the ORDER BY clause onto each SELECT segment, and now I get this error:
query failed: Incorrect usage of UNION and ORDER BY

How can I order the results while still doing the UNION ALLs?


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