On 4 December 2010 11:40, Amit Tandon <att...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Ron
> Or try this
> SELECT * FROM `paypal_payment_info` WHERE ifnull(os1, '') <>
> 'commission_paid'
> ============
> regds
> amit
> "The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense."
> On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 7:55 AM, Ron Piggott
> <ron.pigg...@actsministries.org>wrote:
>> When I do the following query in mySQL only 1 record is retrieved.
>> SELECT * FROM `paypal_payment_info` WHERE `os1` NOT LIKE 'commission_paid'
>> I am surprised by this.  This one record has no characters in it, but the
>> “INSERT INTO” that created it used: ( `os1` ) VALUES ( ‘’ ) instead of: (
>> `os1` ) VALUES ( NULL ) .  There are a number of records where `os1` is
>> NULL.  I would like these rows to retrieve as well.  How do I make a WHERE
>> clause for a cell that is NULL ?
>> Ron
>> The Verse of the Day
>> “Encouragement from God’s Word”
>> http://www.TheVerseOfTheDay.info


where isnull(column, '') <> 'value'

Richard Quadling
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