On 12/29/2010 4:35 PM, Daniel P. Brown wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 19:12, Ethan Rosenberg <eth...@earthlink.net> wrote:
>> Dear List -
>> Thank you for all your help in the past.
>> Here is another one....
>> I would like to have a regex  which would validate that a telephone number
>> is in the format xxx-xxx-xxxx.
>     Congrats.  People in Hell would like ice water.  Now we all know
> that everyone wants something.  ;-P
>     Really, this isn't a PHP question, but rather one of regular
> expressions.  That said, something like this (untested) should work:
> <?php
> $numbers = array(
>         '123-456-7890',
>         '2-654-06547',
>         'sf34-asdf-',
>         'abc-def-ghij',
>         '555_555_5555',
>         '000-000-0000',
>         '8007396325',
>         '241-555-2091',
>         '800-555-0129',
>         '900-976-739',
>         '5352-342=452',
>         '200-200-2000',
> );
> foreach ($numbers as $n) {
>         echo $n.(validate_phone($n) ? ' is ' : ' is not ').'a valid
> US/Canadian telephone number.'.PHP_EOL;
> }
> function validate_phone($number) {
>         if 
> (preg_match('/^[2-9]{1,}[0-9]{2,}\-[2-9]{1,}[0-9]{2,}\-[0-9]{4,}$/',trim($number)))
> {
>                 return true;
>         }
>         return false;
> }
> ?>


Specified here [1] it says that the {1,} is the same as '+'.  I think you should
drop the comma.  If you don't this would be valid 844-2345-123456


should be


1  http://us.php.net/manual/en/regexp.reference.repetition.php

Jim Lucas

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