I have been trying to figure out how to add delete confirmation for
the bellow snippet of code. I would prefer not to use javascript. Can
anyone offer any advise on how to right the delete confirmation in

Thank you in advance.

P.S. I apologize for the indention. For some reason gmail messes it up.

        // loop through results of database query, displaying them in the table
        while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) {

                // echo out the contents of each row into a table
                echo "<tr>";
                    echo '<td>' . $row['Name'] . '</td>';
                    echo '<td>' . $row['Date'] . '</td>';                       
                    echo '<td>' . $row['StoreInfo'] . '</td>';
                    echo '<td>' . $row['Address'] . '</td>';
                    echo '<td>' . $row['Type'] . '</td>';
                    echo '<td>' . $row['EngTech'] . '</td>';
                    echo '<td>' . $row['StoreManager'] . '</td>';
                    echo '<td>' . $row['BBtime'] . '</td>';
                    echo '<td>' . $row['BBup'] . '</td>';
                    echo '<td>' . $row['BBdown'] . '</td>';
                    echo '<td>' . $row['SiteSect'] . '</td>';
                    echo '<td>' . $row['VoiceCall'] . '</td>';
                    echo '<td>' . $row['Comments'] . '</td>';
                echo '<td><a href="edit.php?id=' . $row['id']
                echo '<td><a href="delete.php?id=' . $row['id']
                echo "</tr>";

        // close table>
        echo "</table>";

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