I would keep the db names and/or schema names in your queries.

It clarifies what you are doing with the query making it easier for
someone else to debug, improve, ...  Certainly for those not familiar
with your db structure.

I am not aware of any drawbacks that can result from this.  (Ok, maybe
your program is a few bytes longer?)


On Sun, 2011-05-22 at 05:27 -0400, ad...@buskirkgraphics.com wrote:
> I have been working on a class methods for some time now.
> I have reached a cross road when it comes to common practice of developing
> query structure.
> Long ago I wrote queries where I  just called the field I wanted on a
> particular table unless I was joining them.
> Example:
> $query = " SELECT id FROM Table WHERE Clause";   
> Through time I developed a habit of queering as such.
> Example:
> $query = "SELECT tablename.id FROM db.table WHERE clause";
> I have felt that, because my server contains multiple databases and I needed
> to jump between databases and tables without changing the connector this
> always has been best practice for me.
> Someone recently told me,
>                 Rich, 
> I do not agree with your design of the queries.
> There is no need to include the DB and table name in the query if you are
> not joining tables.
> While I have a very hard time understanding this response as being valid. I
> will propose the question. 
> Is it bad practice to write queries with the database and table name in the
> queries even if I am NOT joining tables?
> Is there an impact from PHP or MySQL that is caused by doing so?
> I know this more a MySQL question but as PHP developers we all deal with
> queries on a day to day bases, 
> and when developing more flexible class methods I build the queries in the
> method.
> Richard L. Buskirk

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