On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 1:21 AM, Karl DeSaulniers <k...@designdrumm.com> wrote:
> I likey.. :)
> Thanks!
> Best,
> Karl
> On Jan 5, 2013, at 10:05 PM, Bastien wrote:
>> Get net beans. It's free and a great IDE with debuggers and other stuff
>> Bastien Koert

netbeans is pretty awesome; I haven't used it for PHP, though. the PHP
verison of Eclipse you can snag from Zend for free is okay, but creaky
slow on low-memory system. Sublime Text 2 is getting a lot of love
these days, although not a fully-fledged IDE, contains oodles of stuff
to help develop software.

I've never used GoLive, so really can't even compare.

Emacs is still my go-to editor, but that's mostly because it's the one
i imprinted on decades ago.

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