On Sun, May 5, 2013 at 11:22 PM, Ethan Rosenberg, PhD
<erosenb...@hygeiabiomedical.com> wrote:
> Dear List -
> I apologize if I offended some of you. I will see that it does not repeat.
> I am trying to center a form on the top of a page. Here is the form:

What you're asking about has nothing to do with PHP.

You want help with HTML and CSS, and front-end design.

> <div id="frm">
> <form   name="poster"  method="post"  action="">
> <input type="text" name="cnum" hidden="hidden" ></input>
> <input type='hidden' name='welcome_already_seen' value='already_seen'>
> <?php
> echo "<center><input type='submit' value='Validate Choice' /></center>";
> echo "</form>";
> ?>
> </div>
> It is aligned on the p;age with the following css -
> #frm{
> position: fixed;
> top: 5%;
> left:42%;
> }
> It aligns perfectly with this form
> function show_welcome()
> {
> $custnum     = isset($_REQUEST["Cust_Num"]) ? $_REQUEST["Cust_Num"] : "";
> $first_name = isset($_REQUEST["Fname"])  ? $_REQUEST["Fname"] : "";
> $last_name  = isset($_REQUEST["Lname"])  ? $_REQUEST["Lname"] : "";
> $street     = isset($_REQUEST["Street"]) ? $_REQUEST["Street"] : "";
> $city   = isset($_REQUEST['City']) ?   $_REQUEST['City'] : "";
> $state   = isset($_REQUEST['State']) ?   $_REQUEST['State'] : "";
> $zip   = isset($_REQUEST['Zip']) ?   $_REQUEST['Zip'] : "";
> $phone      = isset($_REQUEST["Phone"])  ? $_REQUEST["Phone"] : "";
> $date   = isset($_REQUEST['Date']) ?   $_REQUEST['Date'] : "";
> $notes   = isset($_REQUEST['Notes']) ?   $_REQUEST['Notes'] : "";
> $p1      = isset($_REQUEST['PH1']) ?   $_REQUEST['PH1'] : "";
> $p2      = isset($_REQUEST['PH2']) ?   $_REQUEST['PH2'] : "";
> $p3      = isset($_REQUEST['PH3']) ?   $_REQUEST['PH3'] : "";
> echo "<br /><br />";
> echo "<center>";
> echo "<form  method=\"post\">";
> echo " <strong>Customer Number:</strong> <input type='text' name='Cust_Num'
> value='$custnum' /></input><br /><br />";
> echo " <strong>First Name:</strong> <input type=\"text\" name=\"Fname\"
> value='$first_name' />";
> echo " <strong>Last Name:</strong> <input type=\"text\" name=\"Lname\"
> value='$last_name' /></input><br /><br />";
> echo " <strong>Street: </strong><input type= 'text'  name= 'Street'
> value='$street' /></input>";
> echo " <strong>City: </strong><input type= 'text'  name= 'City'
> value='$city' /></input>";
> echo " <strong>State:</strong> <input type= 'text' size='2' maxlength='2'
> name= 'state' value='NY' /></input>&nbsp";
> echo " <strong>Zip Code:</strong> <input type= 'text' size='5' maxlength='5'
> name= 'Zip' value='10952' /></input><br /><br />";
> echo "</center>";
> echo "<center>";
> echo "<div  id='phn'> ";
> echo " <strong>Phone:</strong> (<input type='text' size='3' maxlength='3'
> name='PH1' value='$p1'>)</input>";
> echo "<input type='text' size='3' maxlength='3' name='PH2' value =
> '$p2'></input>";
> echo "<input type='text' size='4' maxlength='4' name='PH3' value =
> '$p3'></input><br /><br />";
> echo "<strong>Date:</strong><input type='text' size='10' maxlength='10'
> name='Date' value='$date' ></input><br /><br />";
> echo " </center>";
> // echo "</div>";
> echo " <center>";
> echo " <input type='submit'  /><br /><br />";
> echo " &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<input type='reset' value = 'Clear Form'  />";
> echo " <input type='hidden' name='welcome_already_seen'
> value='already_seen'>";
> echo " <input type='hidden' name='next_step' value='step2' />";
> echo " </center>";
> // goto step2;
> ?>
> </form>
> With this it is offset to the right.
> echo "<center><strong>Do you wish to enter a Payment?</strong></center>";
> echo "<form name='form2'  method='post'>";
> echo "<center><strong>Name: $_SESSION[Lname] echo $_SESSION[Fname]
> </strong></center>";
> echo "<center><input type='submit' name='button' value='YES' ></center>";
> echo "<input type='hidden' name='welcome_already_seen'
> value='already_seen'>";
> echo "<input type='hidden' name='next_step' value='step5' />";
> echo "</form>";
> echo "<center><strong>Do you wish to enter a Charge?</strong></center>";
> echo "<form name='form1' method='post' >";
> echo "<center><strong>Name: $_SESSION[Lname],
> $_SESSION[Fname]</strong></center>";
> echo "<center><input type='submit' name='button' value='YES'
> onclick='ClearScren' ></center>";
> echo "<input type='hidden' name='welcome_already_seen'
> value='already_seen'>";
> echo "<input type='hidden' name='next_step' value='step6' />";
> echo "</form>";
> echo "<center><strong>Name: $_SESSION[Lname],
> $_SESSION[Fname]</strong></center>";
> echo "<center><strong>Are you Finished for Now?</strong></center>";
> echo "<form name='form1' action='exiter3.php' method='post' >";
> // echo "<center><input type='submit' name='button' value='YES' ></center>";
> echo "</form>";
> I know that I am doing something wrong, but cannot figure out what it is.
> Ethan
> PS I know that the formatting of the above is an absolute disaster. Icedove
> defaults to 80 columns, and pure test does not allow me to change font size.
> If you could show me how, it would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> --
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