From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: aix433
PHP version:      4.0.4
PHP Bug Type:     Oracle related
Bug description:  ora-01034 when accessing remote SID

I get an ora-01034 trying to connect to a remote oracle database. everything 
works fine for local databases. I can access the remote database with sqlplus, but not 
with php.

configure line:

./configure --with-oracle=$ORACLE_HOME   \
--with-oci8                                             \
--enable-discard-path                                   \
--without-mysql                                         \

code from the script:

PutEnv "ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_HOME");                        
PutEnv "ORACLE_SID=$ORACLE_SID");                                       
$connection = OCILogon "scott","tiger");                               
if ($connection == false){                                              
  echo OCIError($connection;   exit;                                                   

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