From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: solaris
PHP version:      4.0.4pl1
PHP Bug Type:     cURL related
Bug description:  Child dies with bus error

I want to use Curl in PHP. Unfortunately, the example
script that fetches the PHP homepage causes
a bus error of an Apache child.
Curl version: 7.5.2
apache version: 1.3.12
solaris version 7
gcc version 2.8.1

message in apache logfile:
[Tue Jan 23 18:48:50 2001] [notice] child pid 3963 exit signal Bus Error (10)

I need to use Curl because apparently it is the only
way to access a url with method=post from within PHP.
(this is really easy from java servlets, it should
be possible in PHP as well!!)

Wessel Kraaij

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