ID: 8940
User Update by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status: Open
Bug Type: Filesystem function related
Description: File uploads stopped withing in 4.0.4pl1

Further testing reveals that the upload is working properly, but the 
file 'type' variable is not set, and PHP is not treating it as an image 
file. Image processing utilities state that the file is corrupt after 
uploading, even though it remains the exact same size as the 
original. I suspect that PHP is doing something to the file.

Previous Comments:

[2001-01-26 12:01:45] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ok, I've done some further testing. With a simple script that does 
nothing except upload the file and move it, it works: the file is 
there. However, the "type" variable has no value! No matter what 
type of file I upload, the $HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['type'] value 
is an empty string.


[2001-01-26 11:21:21] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I've been using 4.0.3 for a couple of weeks now. Last night I ran the 
Redhat Update agent and installed 4.0.4pl1. Everything works fine 
except for file uploads. The upload is recorded as successful, 
everything SEEMS to work fine, but there is no file in /tmp, and the 
variable $HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['type'] is undefined. Apache 
1.3.14 reports no problems, and returns a 200 return code. I've 
tried working with php.ini; I can turn file uploads off, and that 
works, then when I turn it back on again, it has the same problem. 
I'm pretty sure it's something in 4.0.4pl1 because nothing else on 
my system has changed since the upgrade last night. Here's some of 
my code:

                        $file_type = $HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['type'];
                        if (substr($file_type,-4,4) != 'jpeg') {
                                die( "Files of type '" . $file_type .
                                     "' are not recognized.<br>" .
                                         "Only JPEG images are currently supported." 
                        $path_for_file = 'gallery/' . $user_id . '/' . $photo_id . 
                                die( "File is not uploaded." ); 

...but I really don't think the problem is in the code. Here's some 
output from my Apache log file: - - [26/Jan/2001:08:13:04 -0800] "POST /upload.php 
HTTP/1.1" 200 51
"http://<mysite>/upload.php" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; 

No errors are reported any where.


Full Bug description available at:

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