you gotta escape the escapes

$b = preg_split('/([\\(\\)])/', $a);



At 13:13 31-1-01 +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Operating system: OpenBSD 2.8
>PHP version:      4.0.4pl1
>PHP Bug Type:     PCRE related
>Bug description:  preg_split inconsistency
>While trying to write a simple Scheme parser in PHP, we encountered this 
>In perl, you can capture the delimiters passed to split() by enclosing the 
>portion with brackets, in the regexp.  This does not work in PHP.
>For example, here is the perl script, and its output:
>use Data::Dumper;
>$_ = '(define heshe (if (equal gender "Male") "He" "She")) ';
>@b = split /([\(\)])/;
>print Dumper(@b);
>$VAR1 = '';
>$VAR2 = '(';
>$VAR3 = 'define heshe ';
>$VAR4 = '(';
>$VAR5 = 'if ';
>$VAR6 = '(';
>$VAR7 = 'equal gender "Male"';
>$VAR8 = ')';
>$VAR9 = ' "He" "She"';
>$VAR10 = ')';
>$VAR11 = '';
>$VAR12 = ')';
>$VAR13 = ' ';
>But in PHP:
><? $a = '(define heshe (if (equal gender "Male") "He" "She")) ';
>$b = preg_split('/([\(\)])/', $a);
>var_dump($b); ?>
>array(7) {
>   [0]=>
>   string(0) ""
>   [1]=>
>   string(13) "define heshe "
>   [2]=>
>   string(3) "if "
>   [3]=>
>   string(19) "equal gender "Male""
>   [4]=>
>   string(11) " "He" "She""
>   [5]=>
>   string(0) ""
>   [6]=>
>   string(1) " "
>The brackets aren't captured, which makes the Scheme parsing a bit 
>difficult :-)  There are other ways to do this, of course, but the 
>preg_split() would be the simplest and the most efficient way to do it, as 
>far as we can see.
>I noticed that the PCRE libraries are only at version 3.0 in PHP, and that 
>3.4 is available from the main site.  I'll try updating to that, and see 
>if it solves this.
>Edit Bug report at:
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