ID: 8806 Updated by: sbergmann Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Old-Status: Open Status: Closed Bug Type: PHP options/info functions Assigned To: Comments: The make process builds PEAR.php from, but not on the Windows platform. Just copy PEAR to a directory of your choice, rename to PEAR.php and edit the following lines in it define('PHP_BINDIR', '@prefix@/bin'); define('PEAR_INSTALL_DIR', '@PEAR_INSTALLDIR@'); define('PEAR_EXTENSION_DIR', '@EXTENSION_DIR@'); to fit your environment. Previous Comments: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2001-01-19 11:01:21] [EMAIL PROTECTED] I want to use the DB library for connection to a mysql database. I am missing the file PEAR.DB in the pear directory of the win32 install. this has a class for error reporting so I can't use the DB classes without this. where can I get that file? thanks fernando gonzalez --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTENTION! Do NOT reply to this email! To reply, use the web interface found at -- PHP Development Mailing List <> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]