At 01:30 AM 3/10/2001 +0100, André Langhorst wrote:
>>There are no static functions in PHP. This syntax is used to call a 
>>method of the parent. It can be used to call other methods and thus have
>If you remember, it has been implemented *after* 
>[classname]::[functionname]() ...

I still don't understand what the problem is? What should be documented is 
the right way to use these calls.

>>the wrong $this but I wouldn't document it.
>can't this be fixed, otherwise if I start documenting :: (however you want 
>to call it), I cannot leave it out and since PEAR uses it heavily it has 
>to be documented

PEAR relies on the $this being correct even when you call a method which is 
not in the current class or in one of its parent classes?

>>In general, I think it's a bad idea to document undocumented features 
>>because some of them aren't meant for people to use. The behavior might 
>>change in the future.
>it's just three features "references inside constructor" (already 
>commited), :: (the magical operator ;) ) and php_ticks

Where can I see the documentation? (Any chance you can send it here to save 
me the time? :).
We just need to be sure we don't document things which aren't necessarily 
supposed to work.


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