Nope, we actually traced it down to freetype built into gd/php...  As it
stands, we're just living without freetype...


At 02:43 AM 3/10/2001 +0000, you wrote:
>ID: 8885
>Updated by: sniper
>Old-Status: Open
>Status: Feedback
>Bug Type: Reproduceable crash
>Assigned To: 
>Does upgrading mod_ssl & openssl help?
>Previous Comments:
>[2001-01-27 15:41:07] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>More info...  If I don't compile ttf into gd, it doesn't crash...
>[2001-01-24 10:54:07] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Child (or the main) processes hang whenever they try to exit.
>This will happen when
>maxrequestsperchild is reached (I'm assuming) and a child tries to die
>a child process is killed manually
>the main process can't bind to port/etc
>Here's a ps to see what it looks like
>www443   14066  5.6  0.3  6220  988  ??  R     8:00AM    0:06.52
>www443   14067  5.3  0.3  6216 1000  ??  R     8:00AM    0:07.20
>www443   14063  5.4  0.3  6220 1000  ??  R     8:00AM    0:07.17
>www443   14065  5.4  0.3  6212  980  ??  R     8:00AM    0:06.63
>www443   14064  5.5  0.3  6216 1004  ??  R     8:00AM    0:07.57
>www443   19823  5.9  0.2  6032  608  ??  R     8:26AM    9:31.91
>root     14027  0.0  0.1  6032  404  ??  Ss    8:00AM    0:00.18
>www443   14322  0.0  0.2  6208  724  ??  S     8:01AM    0:00.22
>www443   14346  0.0  0.2  6208  736  ??  S     8:01AM    0:00.23
>www443   19726  0.0  0.2  6212  744  ??  S     8:25AM    0:00.17
>www443   19732  0.0  0.2  6212  732  ??  S     8:25AM    0:00.14
>www443   19733  0.0  0.2  6212  724  ??  S     8:25AM    0:00.09
>as you can see, the top 5 processes are hung.  A sigkill is the only way
to kill them.
>Attaching to one of the hung processes with gdb gives the backtrace listed
at the
>bottom of this report.
>We can only produce this problem with the following configuration:
>(Apache 1.3.12 or 1.3.14)
>./configure --prefix=$prefix --with-port=$port --enable-module=most 
> --enable-module=rewrite --enable-module=status --with-layout=Apache 
> --sysconfdir=$prefix/conf --enable-module=so
>(mod_ssl 2.6.5-1.3.12 or x.x.x-1.3.14)
>./configure --with-apache=../apache_1.3.12 --prefix=/var/www443
>(php 4.0.1 - 4.0.4pl1)
>./configure  --with-mysql --with-xml --with-gd=/usr/local 
> --with-apxs=/var/www443/bin/apxs --enable-track-vars --enable-bcmath 
> --enable-ftp --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local/lib --with-ttf
>If we leave out PHP or mod_ssl, the problem goes away.
>Also, with older versions of BSDi, this problem does not occure. (using
the same configuration as above)

>Attaching to program `/var/www443/bin/httpd', process 19823    
>Reading symbols from /shlib/
>Reading symbols from /shlib/
>Reading symbols from /shlib/
>Reading symbols from /shlib/
>Reading symbols from /var/www443/libexec/
>Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/
>Reading symbols from /shlib/
>0x481a5a54 in __deregister_frame_info ()
>(gdb) bt
>#0  0x481a5a54 in __deregister_frame_info ()
>#1  0x8069e7a in __do_global_dtors_aux ()
>#2  0x8163fa4 in _fini ()
>#3  0x48248028 in exit ()
>#4  0x80c3e1f in clean_child_exit (code=0) at http_main.c:517
>#5  0x80c6ac2 in child_main (child_num_arg=10) at http_main.c:4057
>#6  0x80c6f8c in make_child (s=0x81ad034, slot=10, now=980349966) at
>#7  0x80c7305 in perform_idle_server_maintenance () at http_main.c:4599
>#8  0x80c77f5 in standalone_main (argc=1, argv=0x8047ec4) at http_main.c:4831
>#9  0x80c7dc3 in main (argc=1, argv=0x8047ec4) at http_main.c:5092
>#10 0x8069e37 in __start ()
>(gdb) quit
># /var/www443/bin/httpd -l
>Compiled-in modules:
>  http_core.c
>  mod_vhost_alias.c
>  mod_env.c
>  mod_define.c
>  mod_log_config.c
>  mod_mime_magic.c
>  mod_mime.c
>  mod_negotiation.c
>  mod_status.c
>  mod_info.c
>  mod_include.c
>  mod_autoindex.c
>  mod_dir.c
>  mod_cgi.c
>  mod_asis.c
>  mod_imap.c
>  mod_actions.c
>  mod_speling.c
>  mod_userdir.c
>  mod_alias.c
>  mod_rewrite.c
>  mod_access.c
>  mod_auth.c
>  mod_auth_anon.c
>  mod_auth_dbm.c
>  mod_digest.c
>  mod_proxy.c
>  mod_cern_meta.c
>  mod_expires.c
>  mod_headers.c
>  mod_usertrack.c
>  mod_unique_id.c
>  mod_so.c
>  mod_setenvif.c
>  mod_ssl.c
>  mod_frontpage.c
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