> In my humble opinion (humility is a virtue), new modules are fine to add
> while in the release process, as long as there's at least one RC after
> them, to ensure they don't mess up the build or anything trivial like
> that.

    Oh, messing up the build is a trivial thing?

> It takes 2-3 months between each and every release, and it'd be a
> shame for the new module author to receive wide exposure and feedback for
> his new code.

    As the Midgard extension recently showed, a single line in an
    extension can break everything else.  And it can easily go
    unnoticed, especially if it is not reviewed by experienced

    All new modules can gain wide exposure by distributing them
    separately.  They don't need to be in our tree, and
    they especially don't need to be added during the release
    process.  It is not worth the risk.

    So few people have asked for the FastCGI module during the
    last two years that I doubt that it was necessary to push it
    into 4.0.5.

> In my opinion, the CVS rules should be changed to reflect
> that, just to make Jani happy, or we'd stay outlaws in his mind forever :)

    The CVS rules are fine as they are.

    - Sascha                                     Experience IRCG
      http://schumann.cx/                http://schumann.cx/ircg

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