
I just got  into troubles when using ldap_read_entries() on binary
attributes, i my program a usercertificate  :
On binary data, ldap_read_entries()  returns garbages whenever it meets
a NULL character.

I know the longer way to do it, using a sequence of ldap_first_entry(
), ldap_first_attribute( ),  ldap_get_values_len,
but this is a pain for the lazy programmers.

A solution would be an extra parameter or an option to instruct
ldap_read_entries()  to use ldap_get_values_len() instead of
ldap_get_values :
ldap.c lines 1018-1020:

while (attribute != NULL) {
   ldap_value = ldap_get_values(ldap, ldap_result_entry, attribute);
   num_values = ldap_count_values(ldap_value);

Does anyone see a better way to fix that ?

--Leo West

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