One of my OpenBSD servers hosed itself overnight, after the upgrade
to PHP-4.0.5RC1.  The problem was that the webserver suddenly
segfaulted all of its children (saw this in the error log), and then dumped
around 900MB worth of errors into the error log.  This hurt my /var
partition :-)

The errors are:

httpd in free(): warning: chunk is already free.
httpd in free(): warning: chunk is already free.
httpd in free(): warning: chunk is already free.
httpd in free(): warning: chunk is already free.
httpd in free(): warning: page is already free.
httpd in free(): warning: chunk is already free.
httpd in free(): warning: chunk is already free.
httpd in free(): warning: chunk is already free.
 ... until /var fills up ...

Now, this is a BSD warning, and I can turn it off by fiddling with
/etc/malloc.conf, but the fact that it's showing up is a bit iffy.
Anyone got any insight?  Nothing like this happened using
PHP-4.0.4pl1 or previous.

More details will be forthcoming if I can reproduce the problem
(it doesn't help that the Apache error logs seem to lack a timestamp).
This is the server that runs, so it primarily
uses the IMAP module for remote, unstable connections.


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