Spending another evening hacking away trying to get Satellite working on
my PHP4.0.4pl1 installation!

I've tracked the segfaulting code down the call on line 142 of object.c:

Object->mCorbaObject = CORBA_ORB_string_to_object(

Taking a peek at the orbit_* functions in corba.c I see this comment:

 * Control access to CORBA_ORB and CORBA_Environment objects
 * Adjust these functions to get thread safety!

So my question is -- is the lack of thread safety a possible reason for
the segfault? If so, how do I adjust the functions, or can I compile PHP
with different flags to get around this problem?

I compile with ZEND_THREAD_SAFETY off currently.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated as I'm tearing my hear out here!


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