By the time we close in on 2038 and UNIX is still around (*smile*) then 
most UNIX systems will most probably have moved to 64bit timestamps, thus 
requiring in the best place just a recompilation of your PHP binary and in 
the worse case if you saved binary file stamps to a file, some kind of 
conversion script. It's not as bad as the Y2K bug (which wasn't too bad:)


At 05:06 PM 4/4/2001 +0200, Keith Waters wrote:
>From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Operating system: RedHat Linux
>PHP version:      4.0.4pl1
>PHP Bug Type:     Feature/Change Request
>Bug description:  Unix timestamp doesnt go over Tuesday 19 January 2038
>As you know, most of PHP's date and time functions use the unix
>timestamp, which wont go past Tuesday 19 January 2038 05:11, numberically
>represented by 2147483648 (ie 30 bits)
>Surely PHP can get clever and work around this? (ie allow bigger values
>which will translate back and forth properly up to the year 9999?)
>Otherwise we will all find outselves with a Y2K-like date nightmare!
>eg:  currently:  echo mktime(0,0,0,1,1,2099);  outputs -1
>and putting any number past 2147483648 into date() wont give you
>anything past Tuesday 19 January 2038 05:11
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