At 10:22 AM 4/5/2001 +0200, Sascha Schumann wrote:
>On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, Jani Taskinen wrote:
> > sniper                Wed Apr  4 13:46:27 2001 EDT
> >
> >   Modified files:
> >     /php4     php.ini-dist php.ini-optimized NEWS
> >     /php4/ext/standard        url_scanner.c 
> url_scanner_ex.c
> >     /php4/main        main.c php_globals.h php_variables.c
> >   Log:
> >   Added new configuration directives:
> >   arg_separator.input and arg_separator.output
>     Am I the only one who thinks that breaking installations
>     which use a different arg_separator is odd?  Now all those
>     working installations have to be manually modified just to
>     append ".output".

Considering the ambiguity I think it is the right thing to do. The default 
behavior will be backwards compatible and we can have a big caps news entry 
about it (for people who changed arg_separator). We could also keep 
arg_separator as an INI parameter in 4.0.5 and raise an error with a 
message on how to fix it (changing arg_separator to arg_separator.output).



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