Yes, that sounds correct.  We decided we needed to creat the JVMs 
more slowly, although that sounds bogus to me.  I think we've 
temporarily abandon this, but we will come back to it, so it'd be a good 
thing to get it working correctly.
   Let me know if there's anything else you need.

Bug Database wrote:

> ID: 8691
> Updated by: jmoore
> Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Old-Status: Open
> Status: Feedback
> Bug Type: Java related
> PHP Version: 4.0.3pl1
> Assigned To: 
> Comments:
> Does this happen after 3 JVM's have been created?
> -James
> Previous Comments:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [2001-01-13 17:00:11] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Environment:
> Linux 6.1, Kernel 2.1.12, Apache 1.3.14 (build locally from SRPM), java2 JDK1.2.2 
>(build locally from source), php 4.0.3pl1 (build locally from modified SRPM).
> php.ini java config:
> java.class.path = 
> java.library = /usr/lib/java/jdk-1.2.2-devel/build/linux/lib/i386/
> java.library.path = 
> Test Script:
> <?
> $system = new Java("java.lang.System");
> //$system = new Java("com.jinsight.jetchart.Graph");
> print("Verison = ".$system->getProperty("java.version"));
> ?>
> Results:
> Immediately after restarting apache, I can run the script 4-5 times and get the 
>correct result:
> Verison = 1.2.2
> After that, I will get:
> Fatal error: Unable to create Java Virtual Machine in /u/httpd/html/java_test.php on 
>line 3
> I get the error 3-6 times, then I get the correct result once, then the error 3-6 
>times, etc.
> There does not seem to be any specific periodicity to it other than the initial 4-5 
>successes.  Nothing looks odd on the system (no hung processes, no stuck open ports, 
>etc.) and all the apache logs are clean.
> I've noticed that several other folks have asked similar questions on phpbuilder's 
>forums and never got answers.  I also know from contact with one of them that 
>something similar has happened on a windows machine, so I don't think this is 
>specific to my platform.  Also, I've heard rumor (no hard proof) of 
>difficulties/incompatibility between php4's java extension and jdk 1.2.x and 1.3 (I 
>did get this to run with jdk 1.1.7, but my boss says he needs Java2).
> Any help is appreciated.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ATTENTION! Do NOT reply to this email!
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Donald L. Greer, Jr                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Administrator                 Voice: 512-835-8005
AustinTX.COM                    http://www.AustinTX.COM/
   All opinions are my own.  Flame me directly.

"I don't necessarily believe software should be free...
but if you pay for it, it should work!" -- Me

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