> Guys,
> I think that despite the release of 4.0.5 tomorrow we are pretty close to
> having an RC1 for 4.0.6. Lots of things have been fixed/added since 4.0.5
> (check the NEWS file).
> Can we make a list of things which still need to make it into
> 4.0.6 before
> we branch?
> Andi

K I have a list of bugs that need to be at least reviewed by the appropraite
developers, this list needs to be added to/altered etc can you please send
feedback on which issues should be fixed before 4.0.6, there are some there
that will not be some that are a 2 second fix etc... Could the QA TEam also
look at them and where possible provide scripts that reproduce the problem
and/or just add an and me note.

=================== List of bugs =======================================
List of iteresting bugs so far:

Zend Related
6491 (Incorrect setting of PHP_SELF under certain circumstances)
8130 (Shallow Copy problems)
8414 (set_timout_limit problem
     (very weird not the normal set_timeout_limit bogus report)
8889 (Memory consumption.. decent discussion included)
9289 $argv/$argc weirdness (unverifed)
9462 Include/Require need to be binary safe (see report for example)
9505 (Patch included OS400 specific)
10299 Same as 8889.

To be verified in Zend
10029 Not sure about this one
      but its here due to my lack of understanding of Zend :)

Build Related
8045 Configuration order of ccvs and mcrypt

CGI Related
9041 #! at top of script problem. (this one really needs fixing!)

Enviroment Related
8725 (putenv problems (see report)) Can anyone verify this?

ini_* funcs
10431 ini_alter eats the include_path (unverified)

Interbase Related
10458 Bugs #9257 and #10292 located and fixed - see diff
      (can someone check the fix please)

Sockets Related
9427 (PHP blocks waiting for packets (needs to be verified))

Time Related
9640 strtotime behaving weirdly (derick did you get to the bottom of this)?
9878 gmmktime doesnt work with daylight saving
     (can anyone verify this?) (test script included)

URL Related
1249 url_parse() is a bit too strict

To be verified
9526 Can anyone verify this? (safmode copy problems)
9780 Seems like the dirname etc confusion due to standards

- James

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