On Thu, 10 May 2001, Paco Ortiz wrote:

>>|| -> OR  ( || die(.. -> OR die(.. )
>thanks!, it works now with OR. I understand the language operators precedence, but I 
>still have two points
> to comment if you don't mind:
>1. The sample at
>http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.imap-getmailboxes.php may lead to confusion.

I fixed those examples now. Takes a while before the online manual is
updated though.

>2. could you please be so kind as to explain me why
>$c1 = ociplogon("user","pwd","devunix");
>$mbox = imap_open("{tux.comunet.es}","oituino","oituino",OP_HALFOPEN) || die("can't 
>connect: ".imap_last_error());
>fails and just:
>$mbox = imap_open("{tux.comunet.es}","oituino","oituino",OP_HALFOPEN) || die("can't 
>connect: ".imap_last_error());

Too late to think clearly..something to do with resources..
in the first case the reource number for imap is 2 and the other case it's 1..
I'm not sure and I'm too tired to think atm.. :(


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