From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Win2000
PHP version:      4.0.5
PHP Bug Type:     COM related
Bug description:  In COM Function: Return Var is emty

here my problem with COM in PHP.

echo "J-Server in der dynamischen PHP-Web-Site. <br><br>";

$jServer = new COM("jexeserver") or DIE ("Connect zum J Server ist nicht

$jServer->Do("0!:0 <(1!:40''),'system\extras\config\profile.ijs'");



$Var = "xxx";
$jServer->SetB("NN", $Var);      //  In the COM server: NN = $Var
$jServer->Do("NN");                  //  Display NN in the COM server
$jServer->Do("NN=:'yyy'");         //  In the COM server: NN = "yyy"

$jServer->GetB("NN", &$Var);    //  <===============   There is my problem:  (& is a 
                                               //  In the COM server &$Var = NN
echo $Var;                               // echo $Var Output: xxx and not yyy ?!?



Is there a bug in my code or is this a bug in COM ???

Edit Bug report at:

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