
As mentioned in bug #9896 the api for domxml seems to has changed a
it's now almost impossible to write code with domxml which works in 4.0.5
and 4.0.6.

for example  $root->children() returns a completely different Array
(tagname instead of name and so on...).

Does this make sense for a minor-update?

And all the domxml function still just produce a segfault on 4.0.6. if
this is not supported anymore, fine ($root->children() instead of
domxml_children($root) works also in 4.0.5), but i'd prefer a fatal error
instead of a segfault :)

Maybe I have to live with all these api-changes and as soon as all our
servers have 4.0.6, it won't be a problem for me. But I think i'm not the
only one which disturbs that a little bit.


nam...christian stocker    adr...bremgartnerstr. 66, ch-8003 zurich
pho...+41  1 451 6021      www...http://phant.ch/chregu
mob...+41 76 561 8860      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
off...+41  1 240 2304      icq...4196137

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