BM>> That may be the worst done article I have ever read.  I could
BM>> rewrite every paragraph and turn it on ASP or Perl or any
BM>> language.  He obviously did not put much effort into it.

Well, see - to write an article on CF/PHP comparison, you need person to
know CF and PHP. It's pretty hard to find someone who knows *both* CF and
PHP equally well - and even harder to make him spend time on writing the
article. It's much easier to find someone who is paid to do CF and "looked
once" into PHP and ask him to write comparison. ZDNet obsiously has gone
the easy track, as they do always.
On the other side, every mention in the press is a good press :)
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer
[EMAIL PROTECTED] +972-3-6139665 ext.115

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