ID: 11447
User Update by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Scripting Engine problem
Operating system: Linux (RedHat 6.2)
PHP Version: 4.0.4pl1
Description: Switch statement sensible for white-space

Which style I use, the "classical" style (using {}) or the "alternative" style (using 
: and endswitch), doesn't matter; the problem is the same.

Sniper's comment about using <? ?> several times is surely justified when having 
one-line code as in his example, but when it comes to multi-line code, there is an 
issue of readability. I think that script A below is easier to read than script B. 
Don't you?

--- begin script A ---
<? switch($var): ?>

  <? case "alpha": ?>
  <? break; ?>

  <? case "beta": ?>
  <? break; ?>

  <? default: ?>
  <? break; ?>
<? endswitch; ?>
---  end  script A ---

--- begin script B ---

  case "alpha": ?>
<? break;

  case "beta": ?>
<? break;

  default: ?>
<? break;

  endswitch; ?>
---  end  script B ---

Previous Comments:

[2001-06-13 10:18:56] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Use the {} instead of the : / endswitch; 


  switch ($value) {
    case: ?>


And anyway, using <? ?> too much is really not good idea.
This is just stupid: <? some code ?><? more code?><? code..?>


[2001-06-12 19:13:44] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Section 7.4 in the FAQ is a little bit related.

Should perhaps the ending for a block of PHP-code be "?>" followed by any number of 
white-space characters?


[2001-06-12 18:51:27] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The following script gave a parse error:

<? switch($var): ?>
  <? case "alpha": ?>
  <? break; ?>

  <!-- ... -->

<? endswitch; ?>

Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_CASE' or `T_DEFAULT' or `'}'' in 
<my-path>/bug.php on line 2

First I thought that this was really a bug, but then, while typing this report I 
realized that non-PHP-mode characters (like the two spaces) probably are converted to 
an "echo" instruction, so the PHP-parser sees something like the following code:

  echo '  ';
  case "alpha":
    echo '<p>Alpha</p>';

The parser doesn't expect anything (but PHP-mode white-space) to come between the ':' 
on line 1 and 'case' on line 3 and therefore reports parse error. Right?

For the sake of "pretty-scripting", I would like this to change, but at the same time, 
now that I understand why the parser complains, I'm not sure if it should be 


Full Bug description available at:

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