ID: 8734
Updated by: hholzgra
Old-Status: Open
Status: Duplicate
Bug Type: Mail related
Operating system: 
PHP Version: 4.0.4pl1
Assigned To: hholzgra

see #11165

Previous Comments:

[2001-01-30 05:03:00] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[2001-01-16 11:47:11] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have been able to make the change and recompile the code to use a 1Mb buffer, 
instead of a 4K buffer and the mail() function works fine now.

You need to change the line
#define  MAIL_BUFFER_SIZE               (1024*4)        /* 4k buffer */

#define  MAIL_BUFFER_SIZE               (1024*1024)     /* 1Mb buffer */

in file "sendmail.h" to make this function work.

Ideally, the buffer size should be calculated dynamically, but that'll take a bit 
longer of course !

Can someone try and pop this change into the next release please.

Wayne Cope


[2001-01-16 08:25:58] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have checked the source code for the Windows version of the mail() function and have 
determined that there is a 4K limit to the mail buffer - which is nowhere near enough. 
 The line is:

#define  MAIL_BUFFER_SIZE               (1024*4)        /* 4k buffer */

Which can be found in "sendmail.h" under the Win32 compilation.

I can't compile the code to check for sure, but it does look like this is the problem.

C'ya !
Wayne Cope


[2001-01-16 07:40:01] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
When sending attached files (test file is only 14K), a GPF is caused by the mail() 
function.  When the file is small (e.g. 1K) the function works fine.

I have checked the ini file settings and all seems fine, and have run the same code on 
version 4.0.4 and it also crashes then too.  I am unable to check on any other 
versions.  I would guess it's a similar problem to the other "malloc problem" in this 
section (bug report: 8360) as it would appear to be a memory issue.

Let me know if you need any more info...
Wayne Cope.


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