ID: 8989
User Update by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Old-Status: Feedback
Status: Open
Bug Type: *Session related
Operating system: Windows NT 4 SP5(IIS4)/2000 SP2
PHP Version: 4.0.6
Description: Bug#5493 resurfaced

>1. Only person using hostile tone around here is you.

   Do you even READ what you write and consider how it sounds?  I disagree with your 
opinion, but no point discussing it with you.  Let's just stick to bug hunting.

>2. This is a BUG database, not a discussion forum.

   Good point.  That's why I posted here what I wrote for both this problem and its 
earlier incarnation, #5493.  And if you bothered to read the postings, you would've 
found all the answers to your questions.

I didn't post a bug with the idea to have the bug dismissed without validation, as 
#5493 was (by you as well, sniper).  And to point out something, I only became aware 
of this last post of yours when I visited the website.  I was NOT sent an e-mail of 
this last post.  This is exactly how #5493 died.  I only learned of it later.  Luckily 
I decided to check the site, or this problem may have died as the last...without 
proper resolution.

>3. Did you or did you not try my short example script??
>    Does the number get higher or does it always give you an
>    error message when you reload the page?

Oops, that one IS my goof.  I looked at my last post and saw that I didn't spell it 
out very well.

Yes, I ran your example script.
Yes, the number gets higher.
But again, this is NOT what the bug report was about.

>4. Is the session cookie set at all? Does this happen with any
>    browser?

Yes, the session cookie is set initially.  In your example script, it works fine.  In 
my example scripts, new session files are generated over time as you cycle thru the 
links.  See bug #5493 for more details.

The only browsers I have handy are IE 5.5SP1 & Netscape 4.77 running on Windows 2000.  
I'll double-check in the morning, but I believe it occurs regardless of browser.  Will 
see if I can get confirmation from other browsers such as Konqueror.  May take a day 
or two.

>5. What is the value for register_globals in your php.ini?

register_globals = ON


1. On  displayed all OPEN bugs of type SESSION RELATED.  
Problem #8989 was not listed.  Should this be reported as a separate problem with the 
site, and if so, what is the appropriate category? (Display done multiple times with 
same result.)

2. Last posting
   "[2001-06-27 11:26:13] [EMAIL PROTECTED]"

was NOT e-mailed to me by the system.  Again, should this be reported as a separate 
problem with the site, and if so, what is the appropriate category?  I would like to 
make sure I receive your postings so that I can be sure to reply in a timely manner.

Previous Comments:

[2001-06-27 11:26:13] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

1. Only person using hostile tone around here is you. 
2. This is a BUG database, not a discussion forum.
3. Did you or did you not try my short example script??
Does the number get higher or does it always give you
an error message when you reload the page?
4. Is the session cookie set at all? Does this happen with any browser? 
5. What is the value for register_globals in your php.ini?



[2001-06-26 12:36:01] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That's very nice.  But that is not what this bug report was about.

PHP v4.x has always been able to initially create a session variable.  The challenge 
is NOT within a single page.  The problem, as clearly described in earlier postings of 
both this problem and an earlier problem (see #5493 for source used), is the 
maintenance of session variables BETWEEN pages...the whole POINT of using session 
variables (i.e., maintaining state, vs. the stateless nature of HTTP).  And note, 
before giving another trite example, that I provided source for you to use.  But just 
in case you did not read this actual problem in its entirety, here's the breakdown 
once more:

1.  Create the file page1.php as follows:
if (!$PHPSESSID) {
$lastaccess = time();
This is page 1.<br>
   echo "$PHPSESSID   = '$PHPSESSID'<br>";
   echo "$userid      = '$userid'<br>";
   echo "$firstaccess = '$firstaccess'<br>";
   echo "$lastaccess  = '$lastaccess'<p>";
<A HREF="page2.php">Page 2</A>.<p>

2.  Create files page2.php, page3.php, & page4.php, copying the code above.  The only 
changes that needs to be made are to change the <TITLE> for each file as appropriate, 
the one line (though this was superflous), and the <A HREF> tag so that essentially


thus creating a loop that cycles around the 4 pages.

3.  Make sure the PHP.INI file is properly configured to store session files (for this 
example, InetPubsessions).  Then either open a Command Prompt to this directory or use 
Explorer (whatever suits you).

4.  Serving these files from IIS (say InetPubwwwroot), load page1.php.
5.  Look in the session directory.  You should see a session file created.  Note its 
size (60 bytes in this case).
6.  Now start clicking on the link on page1.php.  This will load page2.php, which 
shows the current value of the session ID.  Keep clicking on the links and keep 
watching the session directory.

What you will find is that new session files are being created, session files that are 
0 bytes and contain NOTHING.  This is a serious problem.  It's makes session 
management useless in PHP under Windows.

Hopefully it's isolated to just the Winblows world using IIS.  Unfortunately, that's 
the environment I work in, and since PHP is offered, I provide feedback and bug 
reports whenever I run into such problems.

Maybe I come across as a bit brusk, but truth be told, the manner in which you write, 
sniper, demonstrates at best a lack of tact and awareness of the impact your choice of 
words has, and at worst it demonstrates a serious lack of social skills and a 
beligerent nature not conducive to software development.  Each time you write you 
indicate that you haven't bothered to READ the bug report and really know what the 
problem is.  I think I've done a reasonable job of detailing EXACTLY how to duplicate 
what I have done.  I did not just write "Sessions suck.  Fix it."  If you had read it, 
you might not have written that last response.

I realize this is an open source project, and PHP, like Apache and all other such 
projects rely on the hard work of many committed people who sacrifice time, energy, 
and effort to make it the best damn server side scripting language I've seen.  It's 
clean, it runs well, and (except for this bug which was squashed, then resurfaced and 
has persisted through 4 revisions now) is pretty rock solid.  And so don't 
misunderstand.  I do sincerely appreciate all the time/energy/effort/etc. you and 
everyone on the PHP team put forth.

However, the tonality of your words in repeated messages has come across as 
beligerent, compative, hostile, and appears based on a lack of understanding of the 
bug report.  Maybe that is not truly the case.  Maybe you're just a damn fine 
programmer but suck at writing skills.  We all have our strong & weak points.  But the 
words you have chosen, and the comments you have put forth (like the last message 
which really shows you misunderstand the bug being reported) don't exactly endear you. 
 And this appearance of being hostile is NOT something anyone, including myself, 
should have to tolerate when all I am trying to do is help you to pinpoint a bug so 
you can fix it.

So, with that said, let's see if we can't put this bug to bed once and for all.  
That's what this is all about, isn't it?  Working together against a common foe:  the 
software bug.


[2001-06-26 06:24:41] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PHP 4.0.6 works very nicely for me as CGI.
Try this short script:



if(!isset($myvar)) $myvar = 0;

echo $myvar++;



[2001-06-25 13:57:47] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PHP v4.0.6 is now out.  I have installed and run v4.0.6.  I have tried running it 
leaving the PHP4TS.DLL from v4.0.3pl1 in place (since the installation instructions 
now read
"...Some DLLs are required for some PHP extensions. Please copy them to your to your 
windows/system (Win9.x) or winnt/system32 (WinNT, Win2000) directory. IF YOU ALREADY 
WORKING CORRECTLY [emphasis added]...."

The problem still existed, so I dropped the PHP4TS.DLL file that came with PHP v4.06 
and tried again.  Same problem.

The CGI version of PHP v4.0.6 STILL has the same problem.  Once again, for proper 
session work, I have to stay at v4.0.3pl1, the LAST version that did session variables 

Can we re-open this now?  Thank you.


[2001-06-19 17:55:13] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Amazing.  No report has been made that the bug has been resolved, yet you have a burr 
up your butt to close out the problem anyway.  Great debugging technique.  Truly 
professional.  Good to know PHP is in such good hands.

Yes, to answer your comment, I DO remember that I wrote that.  In fact, it's basically 
a repeat of the same thing I wrote earlier, since you did not seem to pay attention 
the first time.  Each time a point release is out, I check it, as I--like many PHP 
users--would like to have the latest features and bug fixes.  PHP totally kicks ass, 
but unfortunately there are some glitches from time to time.

HOWEVER, a nightly CVS build is not considered by most to be a stable release.  Ergo 
we have such things as RELEASE CANDIDATES.  PHP is now at 4.0.6 RC3 if memory recalls 
correctly.  However, this too is not a full release.  RCs are basically like beta 
releases for those so inclined (and with sufficient time) to be guinea pigs.  CVS 
nightly builds are for those normally heavily involved, RCs are for those who want to 
help point out flaws in the next release, and then actual point releases are what most 
users obtain.

I apologize if I don't satisfy your sudden demand for people to jump at testing your 
nightly builds or RCs.  But like many I actually have a job and life that requires 
most of my time.  I gladly test full point releases, but unfortunately do not have 
time to be your daily minion.

This is the first time I've witnessed anyone involved with PHP development act in such 
a manner.  I hope it's not a sign of things to come.


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To view the rest of the comments, please
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Full Bug description available at:

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