ID: 8413
Updated by: jeroen
Old Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Scripting Engine problem
Operating System: linux
PHP Version: 4.0.4
New Comment:


We should really nuke phpdoc/features/connection_handling,
or rewrite it...

Previous Comments:

[2001-06-15 02:53:26] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> This is obvious. The time the shutdown function
> is called, the status IS shutdown.

AND the status IS timeout. That is obvious too :)

It is a bit flag and it could also indicate that the connection was timeouted if only 
some php developer was not so lazy :)))

> And the connection_timeout() function is deprecated (and
> removed) as of 4.0.5

that is nice. The report was for 4.0.4 and the connection_timeout() was used only to 
make the code shorter. Change it to connection_status() and reopen the bug.

How can I determine that the script was terminated due to execution_time limit? 
connection_status() is not depricated yet, is it? But it still doesn't return the 
TIMEOUT status.

Just grep through the code... PHP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT is defined but never used. Is it 
also depricated?



[2001-06-14 16:44:00] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is obvious. The time the shutdown function
is called, the status IS shutdown.

And the connection_timeout() function is deprecated (and
removed) as of 4.0.5


[2001-01-15 08:55:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

use standalone php to get the output or change the code somehow to get the result of 
connection_status() and connection_timeout() some other way (write to file, for 

the point is that it seems to be impossible to check for timeout state: 
connection_status() and connection_timeout() both return zero while the shutdown 
function was definitly called due to timeout.

The example is stupid but it is short and clearly demonstartes the bug.



[2001-01-13 13:33:34] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I get no output at all (RH6.2 4.0.4 & NT5 php4-200101130745)


[2000-12-25 07:02:52] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am not sure what "bug type" to choose...

So I change it to "Unknown/Other" for now.



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